Monday, October 15, 2012


Welcome Livingstone and Winterton!

The two schools have united under the Afritwin organisation to twin and share ideas, engage in a joint project and learn about each other's country and culture.

About Livingstone:

The History of Livingstone High

(opened: 1926 )


Eighty years ago in Cape Town there was no high school for children of colour, except Trafalgar High School. There was no secondary school in Claremont. The State did not provide primary or secondary schooling for persons of colour. It was left to the churches and mosques to see to the schooling of children. In the Claremont- Lansdowne - Newlands area no fewer than 13 mission schools battled to provide education up to Standard Four, some in brick buildings, others in iron shacks, where children paid a tickey-a-week (two-and-a-half cents) to learn to read, write and reckon! What, then, was to happen to those who passed Standard 4?

More than 80 years ago a band of men and women in the Teachers' League of South Africa (TLSA) and the African Peoples' Organisation (the APO) began a campaign to start a secondary school in Claremont. Livingstone was the outcome of their efforts. Messrs. Sam Wentzel, Stephen Reagon, Philip Poole, D.E. Wessels, Arnold Carlier, Hadji Galant, Mac van Dieman and Dr. A.E. Abdurahman were among the founders of our school. It is vital to note that it was the determined efforts of parents themselves that drove the State to provide the school.

About Winterton:

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